Friday, March 17, 2006

Drunkard's Log BeerDate 60317.4-1/2 urp

Medical Log, Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Russell reporting

Dr. Russell after extensive research on the phemoninon the reported by Captain Timothy R Sankey, of the United Federation of Drunkards, Captain of the Brewship Enterprise.... I have come to the following conclusions:
1) Resistance IS Futile
2) Staring at the "Jubblies" can be educational (Medically speaking of course)
3) The alien creature's on this planet come in two types
a. female (broken down into many sub-types)
i. Amazingly beautiful (requiring more research)
ii. Average cute (much more accessable, much more willing to experiment)
iii-xxx. Others (not enough research completed to classify)
b. male (broken down into many sub-types, mainly un interesting, will be assigning a researcher to them later)
4) The entire landing party has been affected by the unusual amber liquid and hypnotic creatures servicing there needs
5) I concure with Mr. Miller the amber is safe for consumption but I am concerned with what appears to be differant affects on each of the crew members.
a. many of the crew become "loud" in thier conversations
b. communications become difficult and at times incomperhencable
c. the strange occurrences reported by the landing party are in fact happening and the "Road Runner" flash back reported and then deleted from his log is a telephathic image projected on to his brain
d. In addition to the "Road Runner" flash back there seems to be projections of complete but sometimes incredable alien events which the entire landing party acquieseces too
e. an incredible urges ( more resreach in this area may be difficult due to the men's proffessionalizm)
6) While not treatable I believe this plant is causing a break down in discipline but a tremendous rise in physical...... and morale

Close Medical Log

Medical Log Supplemental, Chief Medical Officer, Dr Russell reporting

Physical examination prepared on subject William Jake Russell, Chief Medical Officer, Beer Ship Enterprise, Captain Timothy R Sankey Commanding.

The subject has been under strict training and health review since Beer Fleet command indicated that a consuption issue was identified. Here the results of the 35th day review:
Total weight differance +/- <0.90718474> Kilograms
Body Fat weight differance +/- <8.61825503> Kilograms
Lean Muscule weight differance +/- 9.0718474 Kilograms
At rest Heart rate 74 bpm down from 82 bpm
Cardio endurance 35 minute @ 3% grade, 1.1176 meters/second, 132 bpm, recovery time of 3.35 minutes

Close Medical Log

1 comment:

Sean said...

While those numbers in the supplemental are quite impressive (nice work), I do believe that more research needs to be performed in the classification of the various alien life forms marked sections iii-xxx.
I volunteer myself and two other crew members to further this line of research and report back to the rest of the crew. Any takers? Are there not two among you who would volunteer for such a dangerous job?
Somebody else can drive the ship while I'm gone...